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Public Information

Noise Application to Amend and Replace Conditions 3(d) and 5

In December 2020, daa submitted its application to the planning authority to amend and replace Conditions 3(d) and 5.

We were unable to undertake our normal public engagement events because of Covid-19, and so we produced a Virtual Portal to provide information to explain our application. Links to some of the key documents which feature on the portal can be found below.

The full application can be viewed on the planning authority’s website

Fingal County Council referred the noise elements of the application to the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority (ANCA), which published its draft noise determination and undertook a 14-week public consultation, during which time members of the public provided feedback. ANCA's final noise determination then issued to Fingal County Council and was incorporated into the overall planning decision, which can be found here.


Public Information Boards


Explanatory Document:

We appreciate that some of the content of our planning application is technical in nature.  We commissioned a report - Development of Proposed Noise Measures - which summarises the approach daa undertook in developing the noise measures for the Relevant Action application as well as illustrating some of the additional noise forecasting information submitted to ANCA as part of the RFI process.  This summary document did not form part of our application but is provided here as an aide to understanding the Application Documents below.


Technical Documents: 

Following submission of our Relevant Action application in December 2020, the Planning Authorities requested further information in relation to several areas of our submission. Our final response to this request in September 2021 included, among other information, longer-term forecasts and noise data, and a revised EIAR.  As a result, information below which has been updated is signified as REVISED and additional information is signified as NEW.




Other documents:

The full suite of documents which comprised our Noise Application can be accessed on the planning authority’s website.