Below you will find information to help you prepare for your journey through Dublin Airport. 

Preparing for your Journey

Check in signage aerlingus check in desks Terminal_2

Are you flying from Dublin Airport soon? We want to ensure you have a smooth journey through our terminals, so we've put together some handy travel tips to help you prepare.

Preparing for your Journey Details

Short Guide to Dublin Airport


Review and download our handy guide for useful travel advice and helpful information.

Short Guide Details

Requesting Assistance


Find out more about available facilities for passengers with reduced mobility, and how to request assistance in the airport if required.

Requesting Assistance Details

Autism & Non-Visible Disabilities


Find out more about our lanyard scheme which has been put in place to offer additional support for passengers with hidden disabilities who are travelling through the airport independently or with a parent or guardian. 

Autism & Non-Visible Disabilities Details

Sensory Room

Dublin Airport has a purpose-built sensory room, aimed at helping to calm passengers who might feel overwhelmed in busy and unfamiliar airport surroundings, located in Terminal 2.

Sensory Room Details

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse answers to frequently asked questions about Dublin Airport.

Frequently Asked Questions