How to get to and from Dublin Airport

Dublin Airport is located approximately 10km north of Dublin City Centre, which is accessible by bus, taxi, car, cycling or walking.

There are several transport options for those travelling to Dublin City Centre and beyond. You can travel direct to central locations such as O'Connell Street or connect to the rest of Ireland, by reaching Connolly and Heuston train stations, as well as Ireland's central bus station, Bus Áras.

View our transport map here for more information on the locations of our car parks, bus stops and taxi pick up points.



Bus Stops and buses at Dublin airport

Dublin Airport is accessible by over 1,000 buses and coaches daily, reaching many areas in and around Dublin and towns and cities across Ireland. Find a route that will take you directly to or from the airport you can now also buy bus tickets to your destination.

Bus Information


queue of Taxis

Taxis are available from the forecourts directly outside Terminal 1 & Terminal 2. Passengers arriving by taxi will be dropped off on the forecourt directly outside either Terminal 1 or Terminal 2.

Here you can find out more information about hiring taxis to and from the airport. 

Taxi Information


Car at Dublin airport

Whether you need to pick up or drop off, here’s how to get to Dublin Airport by car.

Car Information

Cycling and Walking

car rentals signage dublin airport

If travelling by foot or by bicycle, here’s how to get to Dublin Airport safely.

Cycling and Walking Information


Businessman getting out of chauffeur car

Dublin Airport is committed to working in conjunction with chauffeur providers to ensure the highest service standards are delivered and enjoyed by passengers of Dublin Airport.

Here you can find out more about our Chauffer providers and how to apply for a Chauffeur services permit.

Chauffeur Information

Car Rental

car rentals signage dublin airport

There are seven car rental companies located onsite or in close proximity to the airport. 

Car Rental Information


Hotel room with double bed

Wake up just minutes from the airport terminal. Choose from a range of hotels at or in close proximity to the airport.

Hotel Information